XY Finance announces Blast airdrop event

XY Finance has announced an upcoming Blast airdrop event, offering users the opportunity to maximize their Blast points through transfers and deposits on the XY Finance platform. The airdrop aims to incentivize participation in the Blast ecosystem while rewarding loyal users of XY Finance.

Participants can earn Blast points by bridging or cross-chain swapping any amount of tokens to Blast via the yBridge feature on XY Finance. Points are awarded based on bridge fees spent, with more fees translating to more Blast points. Additionally, users can earn points by depositing ETH into the Blast ETH Pool, where they receive Blast points and yield simultaneously.

Epoch 1 is set to run from May 10th, 07:00 (UTC+0) to May 21st, 07:00 (UTC+0), with over 30 million Blast Points allocated for all bridgers. Subsequent epochs will follow, with details to be announced soon.

Participants can earn Blast Points through two main tasks:

  • Task 1: Transfer to Earn – Users can bridge or cross-chain swap any token to Blast via yBridge to earn Blast Points. Points are awarded based on bridge fees, with higher fees resulting in more Blast Points. Detailed instructions and eligible routes are provided by XY Finance.
  • Task 2: Deposit to Earn – By depositing ETH into the Blast ETH Pool, users can earn Blast Points and yield simultaneously. Liquidity Providers will receive Blast Points based on their share in the pool, with allocations updated based on the duration and amount of deposit.

To maximize Blast points and multipliers, participants can utilize various strategies, including bridging to Blast via XY Finance, utilizing spot Dexes, participating in Perp Dexes, engaging with NFTFi, and exploring SocialF activities.

Participants can also accumulate Blast points by bridging to Blast through XY Finance partners, such as Rubic, Chainspot, Dzap, and Xenify, as long as transactions are completed via the yBridge route.

According to DeFiLlama, Blast, an Ethereum Layer 2 network holding a total value locked (TVL) of over $1,5 billion with a slight increase of 1.81% in the past 7 days.

Source: DeFiLlama

XY Finance, a cross-chain swap aggregator for DeFi & Metaverse, also has seen a small increase in TVL by 1.37% over the last 7 days.

Source: DeFiLlama
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