Polkadot parachains pause block production briefly

Parachains operating on the Polkadot network faced a temporary disruption in block production, lasting approximately one hour, following a significant upgrade implementation. This halt was reported by the Moonbeam team, a prominent player in the Polkadot ecosystem.

In response to inquiries, the developers of the parachain dedicated to EVM-compatible smart contracts issued a statement, reassuring users that normal operations resumed at approximately 11:36 UTC. Despite the interruption, they emphasized that the network is now functioning smoothly.

Further details regarding the incident are anticipated, as the Moonbeam team awaits additional insights from the Polkadot development team. This collaborative effort aims to provide clarity and transparency regarding the nature of the disruption.

Dustin Lee, co-founder of the RWA platform DeStore Network, provided clarification on the technical aspects of the upgrade, highlighting the deployment of runtime environment version 1.2.0 during the process. Such upgrades are crucial for maintaining the efficiency and security of the network.

Meanwhile, Bill Laboon from the Web3 Foundation acknowledged that the upgrade affected certain wallets, particularly in the context of staking interfaces. However, Laboon reassured users that no action is required on their part, as the impact is limited to user interface issues.

Despite the temporary disruption, the incident did not significantly impact the price of Polkadot’s native token, DOT. Over the past day, DOT saw a moderate increase in quotes, rising by 4.5%. As of the latest data, DOT is trading around $7.4, with a market capitalization exceeding $10 billion.

Source: CoinGecko


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