Over $100 million recovered from hacks in March, PeckShield reports

In March, blockchain security firm PeckShield reported that nearly $100 million in digital assets stolen in hacking incidents had been successfully recovered. The firm’s data showed that over 30 hacking incidents occurred during the month, resulting in a total loss of $187 million.

Despite the significant losses, PeckShield revealed that 52.8% of the stolen funds were successfully recovered, amounting to $98.8 million returned to their rightful owners.

PeckShield highlighted the top five hacking incidents of the month, with the Munchables exploit leading in terms of losses. This was followed by the Curio hack, the Prisma Finance incident, the NFPrompt hack, and the WooFi exploit.

Notably, the majority of the recovered funds came from the Munchables incident. Despite initial estimates putting the losses at $62 million, the hacker responsible for the exploit returned the funds without demanding a ransom. It was later revealed that the hacker was one of the project’s own developers.

In another incident involving Prisma Finance, where approximately $11 million in digital assets were stolen, there is hope for recovery. Following the hack, the decentralized finance protocol froze its platform for investigation, and discussions with the hacker are underway, potentially leading to the recovery of the lost funds.

Additionally, the Curio hack on Ethereum’s MakerDAO-based smart contract, initially estimated at $16 million in losses, is now believed to be closer to $40 million. The NFPrompt platform saw hackers access around $10 million illegally, while the WOOFi decentralized exchange suffered losses of approximately $8.5 million.

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