Hacker exploits MakerDAO vulnerability, issues 1 billion CGT tokens

The decentralized finance (DeFi) project Curio has fallen victim to a hacking attack, with preliminary estimates putting the damage at $16 million, according to experts from Cyvers.

According to available information, the Curio project is focused on providing services to companies dealing with tokenized real-world assets (RWA).

On March 23rd, the protocol team warned of an exploit in the MakerDAO smart contract. Developers explained that the incident occurred on the Ethereum side.

“This only impacted a portion of our ecosystem which highlights the importance for a multi chain infrastructure,” stated the representatives of Curio.

According to Cyvers, the attacker exploited a vulnerability in the access control logic and issued an additional 1 billion CGT tokens. Their value is estimated at $39.7 million.

Source: Etherscan

It’s worth noting that since the beginning of 2024, the amount of stolen funds in the crypto industry has exceeded $200 million, according to Immunefi. This represents a 15.4% increase compared to the same period in 2023.

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