Polymarket traders predict major airdrops by June 30

Traders on Polymarket are actively speculating on the likelihood of several projects delivering airdrops to their users before June 30. Four projects, namely Parcl, Swell Network, Tensor, and Ethena, are all expected to conduct airdrops, with over 90% odds according to Polymarket.

Leading the predictions is the Layer 2 network Blast, with 97% of traders anticipating a token airdrop before the end of June. However, this prediction is still pending review.

Source: Polymarket

Parcl, a Solana-based decentralized exchange focusing on real estate price predictions, follows closely with 96% odds. Its token launch and airdrop are scheduled for April, with approximately 7-8% of tokens earmarked for early adopters.

Source: Polymarket

Swell, an Ethereum-based restaking protocol, has 93% odds for its airdrop named Voyage, distributing 7% of its total token supply. The launch is expected in mid-April.

Source: Polymarket

Tensor, a Solana-based NFT platform, holds 92% odds. The number of airdropped tokens will depend on users’ accumulated points during Season 3, currently in progress.

Source: Polymarket

Lastly, Synthetic stablecoin startup Ethena also boasts 92% odds. Users need to hold USDe in their wallets to generate Shards, determining their token allocations. Ethena’s airdrop campaign remains open until May 2024.

Source: Polymarket

Other notable projects with predicted airdrops include Drift, a perpetual decentralized exchange (82% odds), LayerZero, an interoperable blockchain messaging protocol (74% odds), and Eigenlayer, a restaking protocol (68% odds).

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