Optimism’s permissionless fault-proof system debuts on OP Sepolia

OP Stack introduces its latest fault-proof system on OP Sepolia, marking the final testing phase before the mainnet launch.

Fault proofs, also known as fraud proofs, play a crucial role in verifying transaction legitimacy on optimistic rollups before they are recorded in the base blockchain layer’s state.

Unlike zero-knowledge rollups, where transactions are instantly verified as accurate or inaccurate, optimistic rollups adopt an optimistic approach, assuming all transactions are valid unless proven otherwise.

To maintain network security, optimistic rollups offer a time window during which any participant can dispute the transaction state. This mechanism is vital for safeguarding the blockchain against false activities.

Traditionally, Optimism lacked a fault-proof system and relied on a seven-day challenge window to address fraudulent activities. However, the new fault-proof system, revealed by Optimism in October last year, aims to enhance security and efficiency.

The system comprises a fault-proof program (FFP), a fault-proof virtual machine (FPVM), and a dispute game protocol, which were initially tested on the OP Goerli testnet.

The latest iteration of the fault-proof system on OP Sepolia introduces permissionless validation, allowing anyone to participate without the need for an allowlist. This enables users to initiate withdrawals of ETH and ERC-20 tokens independently and challenge invalid withdrawals, enhancing protocol decentralization and security.

OP Labs’ engineering team has focused on optimizing bond incentives to ensure that honest challengers receive incentives for countering invalid claims, a crucial aspect of the permissionless system. Testing on OP Sepolia has been instrumental in fine-tuning this component, ensuring robust and reliable operation.

Overall, the integration of the permissionless fault-proof system on OP Sepolia represents a significant step towards achieving a secure and decentralized optimistic rollup solution on the Optimism network.

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