Gnosis Chain launches blobs ahead of Ethereum’s Dencun upgrade

Developers at Gnosis Chain have implemented a version of the Dencun upgrade on the network, introducing type 3 blob transactions on the sidechain to enhance scalability for decentralized applications (dApps).

The content-based platform Blob.Fm became the first Gnosis Chain dApp to utilize blobs on the network.

Formerly known as xDai Chain, Gnosis Chain operates as a sidechain alongside Ethereum and is governed by GnosisDAO. With a total value locked exceeding $320 million, it hosts dapps such as Balancer, Spark, Aave, Aura, and others.

“Dencun is activated. Now you can use blobs to scale Gnosis or post funny pictures using,” stated Stefan George, co-founder of Gnosis Chain.

These blob transactions, also referred to as EIP-4844 (or protodanksharding), are set to launch on the Ethereum mainnet with the activation of the Dencun upgrade at epoch 269568, scheduled for tomorrow at 13:55 UTC.

Blobs represent an additional feature on the network, enhancing data availability without disrupting the existing Ethereum infrastructure. As a result, transactions on Layer 2 rollups are expected to become more affordable. Ultimately, the upgrade aims to improve cost efficiency and accessibility for users of decentralized applications on Layer 2s.

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