Injective unveils inEVM for Solana and Cosmos interoperability

Injective Protocol, a blockchain platform focusing on trading applications at Layer 1, has introduced inEVM, a rollup intended to facilitate cross-chain composability. It is promoted as achieving genuine compatibility across Ethereum, Cosmos, and Solana.

The rollout also makes use of some of the latest technologies in the field, including data availability protocol Celestia, data oracle Pyth Network, rollup provider Hyperlane, and LayerZero Labs.

Injective’s INJ token has emerged as a standout performer amid the ongoing crypto market surge. Its value has increased fivefold since October 2023 and has seen a nearly 24% rise in the past month, according to CoinGecko.

INJ/USD Source: CoinGecko

One of the ambitious objectives of the cryptocurrency industry is achieving cross-chain compatibility. Currently, most networks function in isolation, often with their own native programming languages, decentralized applications (dApps), and developer communities.

Cross-chain bridges, which serve as connectors between different blockchains, have become vulnerable to attacks, underscoring the urgent need for more secure solutions.

Injective’s inEVM aims to address fragmentation by bringing together three of the largest ecosystems in the industry.

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