Injective and Solana introduce cross-chain name service

Injective has revealed a successful collaboration with Solana, achieving cross-chain name service and introducing the first-ever omnichain domain release for both platforms. This innovation streamlines user experience by eliminating the necessity to alter domains when interacting across ecosystems, providing a seamless transaction process.

In practical terms, users now have the capability to utilize INJ to acquire the .sol domain, fostering interoperability between Injective and Solana. Furthermore, this development sets the stage for the integration of Phantom, enhancing connectivity with Solana and bringing the two platforms closer together.

To embark on the omnichain domain experience with Injective, users need to connect their wallets to the platform and proceed to the search bar to register their desired domain. Payment for domain registration is conducted in INJ, with the process typically taking a few minutes. Once created, the domain can be accessed via the wallet address located at the top right corner of the platform.

This achievement marks a significant technical breakthrough, enhancing user experience and strengthening the relationship between Solana and Injective. Despite the positive development, native tokens INJ and SOL have not exhibited bullish signals, with INJ down by 0.65% and SOL by 9.57% in the last 7 days.

INJ/USD Source: TradingView
SOL/USD Source: TradingView

The successful implementation of cross-chain name service underscores an unprecedented innovation in the blockchain space. Solana and Injective’s collaboration, initiated a year ago and tested rigorously on the testnet, now simplifies user interactions across ecosystems.

Looking ahead, Solana and Injective aim to further unify their ecosystems and enhance developer experience through the launch of inSVM, a Solana-focused rollup. Users interested in creating a .inj name service can visit Injective’s official website, navigate to the Connect section, select their preferred wallet, search for the desired domain name, and follow the intuitive process for registration.


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