Uniswap unveils schedule for v4 launch amid Ethereum Dencun upgrade

The Uniswap Foundation, a driving force behind the decentralized finance (DeFi) platform Uniswap, has revealed its plans for the release of Uniswap v4 in conjunction with Ethereum’s forthcoming Dencun upgrade.


Foundation’s Roadmap for Uniswap v4 Deployment

Announcing the launch schedule through an official statement, the foundation detailed its roadmap, currently in the “Code Freeze” phase. This phase encompasses essential tasks such as code finalization, rigorous testing, gas optimization, and bolstering security measures, all aimed at ensuring the robustness of Uniswap v4.

To guarantee the integrity of the codebase, the Uniswap Foundation will subject v4 to extensive scrutiny, engaging audit firms and hosting a community audit contest. The objective is to achieve what the team describes as the “most rigorously audited code ever deployed on Ethereum.” Concurrently, the decentralized exchange will undergo testing on the testnet while the team fine-tunes its features.

The foundation tentatively earmarks the third quarter of 2024 for the deployment of Uniswap v4 on the Ethereum mainnet, contingent upon the progress of the Dencun upgrade. This upgrade, as per previous reports, introduces various Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs), including EIP-4844, designed to facilitate proto-danksharding, a feature aimed at reducing layer 2 transaction costs.

Despite encountering a slight delay during its deployment on the Goerli testnet, subsequent phases of the Dencun upgrade proceeded smoothly. Following successful deployments on the Sepolia and Holesky testnets, Ethereum developer Tim Beiko announced the impending mainnet launch at “slot 8626176,” scheduled for March 13, 2024, at 1:55:35 pm UTC. 

This date was finalized during a developers’ call on February 8, following the completion of testing phases on the Holesky testnet.

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