Symbiosis adding Telos: Faster, Cheaper, and Greener L1

Weekly overview

We are super excited to announce the upcoming collaboration of Symbiosis with Telos network! Telos is a blockchain platform for building fast, scalable distributed applications with feeless transactions. It is also an open finance network led by a community of visionary trailblazers.

Telos ecosystem consists of several products and is always expanding, attracting new projects for integrations.

Unlike other scalable EVMs, Telos EVM is not just a fork of the original Go Ethereum code. It’s an entirely new EVM that takes full advantage of the power that Telos technology has to offer.

It’s extremely fast, creating two new blocks every second. Moreover, a fixed-rate gas fee on Telos EVM transactions means that no one can jump ahead of another person by offering a higher fee. Most importantly, Telos is a blockchain that’s governed by its community, with clear rules for validators and what are the penalties for breaking them.

It provides multiple programs running in the Ethereum with incredible ease of migration and creates a truly unique user experience!

This new approach helps Telos EVM to avoid the scaling issues. It offers feature parity with Ethereum, this makes it a powerful solution for developers and users looking for an EVM that can keep up with the demands of mass adoption.

We are proud to collaborate with the leading companies on the market to power the economies of the future and provide solutions to global blockchain challenges.

Now Telos is available for swaps on the BNB network with any BNB token and we are planning on adding more networks in the future. Stay tuned and do not miss the news about next cool integrations!

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